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where did you buy your bio fireplace?
Choose where you bought your fireplace
Fill in your information
If you do not know your customer number, please contact +45 9630 4800

Product Info

Ex. denver basic 920
Ex.glas, fjernbetjening etc.
Ex.6858 / 38125
findes på bl.a i manualen
se teksten faktura / ordre “deres reference
describe your problem as carefully as possible
Maximum image upload size is 15MB.

From the time you submit this form, you can expect to be there goes 2-5 working days, weekends and holidays are excluded. By finding unannounced calls and repairs outside warranty - including time spent, spare parts, shipping or similar - this is invoiced according to Decoflame's regular rates and prices. Estimated prices are stated before the work / project commencement.
